Monday, 5 March 2012

Day 3 of the Paddywagon Tour – Ireland

An early start today. Had  a long drive ahead of us. Today was a very much sitting on a bus and getting through a long drive day. We did stop at William B. Yeats’ grave and also stopped at a little township called Sligo where we had a lovely pub lunch. It was also right on the water, but it was so rocky that only the surfer’s were allowed down there.

We got into Galway about 4.30pm and went to do a little retail therapy. :) Got a casual shirt to go out in for that night because we had a big night ahead of us.
A whole club had been booked out for 250 or so Paddywagon tourists. It was Insane!! Was soo good though!! I saw Ben Wallace for all those who know him, so spent some time catching up with him. He is in Scotland doing a tutorship as well, so planning to catch up again!
Lots of drinks were drunk. Lots of dancing was done. Minimal sleep was had. But man, it was good, good night!!! :) :) :)


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