Little bit of a hectic week really. Handford Charity Week started on Friday and the organisation and lead up to it was absolutely frantic.
Monday night I helped the Charity Reps to actually get the ball rolling. Was working with them for about 2 hours to send off emails, prepare posters and getting permission from the right people and all the rest of it.
Tuesday we had Ken Sherwood Award applicant day. So students who are coming to Lancing in the summer who are good in all areas of the school (or try so very hard) come and try to get this scholarship. They have to write essays, do some tests, drama, dance, music, interviews and spend 3 hours in the afternoon rotating through sports. So was helping out with getting the kids around the school and helping make sure that everything was running smoothly. In the afternoon we also had a FastNet Netball Tournament against Hurstpierpoint College, so while the organiser was with the Ken Sherwood people I had to help run the tournament! Went really well and Lancing played really well considering it is a very new thing to both schools. Headed back to help with ken Sherwood after this and then went up to my house for Duty. Massive day and my hamstrings were killing me!
Wednesday was just any other regular Wednesday so nothing exciting.
Thursday was same old, but was offsite playing an away match for Netball. We were playing a pretty tough school but we came away with a win, a small loss, and a mass loss. So wasn’t too bad really.
Friday was the same as usual throughout the day – just at the prep school – but the night, was when our Charity events started. And started with a bit of a low. The calendar had not been checked and our Karaoke and Pizza night was right above a formal function, so last minute the whole event was moved to house and with the change of plans, people didn’t want to come to the house (it is a bit of a hike especially from some of the houses). So our girls decided to take the pizzas to the other houses and scratch the Karaoke. Well what an interesting night to start the weekend.
Saturday morning I was at Rodean College for SISNA netball tournament. There were 9 8 minute games… in rain and a wind tunnel coming off the ocean. It was absolutely wet and miserable. Although Lancing played fairly well I think the rain got to them a bit more than they realised. As we were leaving the sun decided to come out which was a bit annoying. Got back to school to find out that Handford Charity Carwash apparently went really well and they raised quite a bit of money. This put them in high spirits for the Games Night ahead. A group of us went down and set up for the Games Night, and only a few people Lancing students showed up, but it was OK because we had Slovenians staying at the school and they didn’t have anything on so they all got to come and join in a heap of fun games.
Sunday consisted of a late wake up and the smell of cup cakes! Today I watched a few movies and helped to make 250 cupcakes for the cake sale tomorrow.
Was so tired that I fell asleep on the Housemistress’ couch for a while and then had dinner and fell asleep in the Gap Shack for an hour and a half. I have slept so much this afternoon that I am now awake updating everything since Ireland and have been going at it since 9.00pm. It’s now 12.45am and the internet has been turned off and I can’t connect to actually put this on the blog. So for now I say goodnight, and I will post this all tomorrow!
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